To cure fungus nail at home, the use of special medications. Treatment modalities are different for the start and running on the stage of the disease. Recognize each and every one of them, you can be certain of the symptoms. The disease itself is called onychomycosis. He can't let it follow its course because the disease is long, it's difficult to be dealt with. Of a particular drug against the nail fungus on the feet is chosen, taking into account the expression of the symptoms.

What is nail fungus
Onychomycosis is one of the most common infectious disease-causing micro-organisms, in the form of a yeast, or a fungus. Due to the rapid spread nails, the boards will begin to yellow, crack, crumble, and put on weight. As a result, the reproduction of the fungus, you may lose the nail. In the absence of treatment, they crumble. To be infected by a fungus in the communal areas. This is especially true in the saunas, swimming pools, beaches, beauty centres, fitness clubs.
On the basis of what appears to
The majority of the infections caused by the patient household items or shoes. The most susceptible to nail fungus are people who are more on the sweaty feet. More of a fungal infection of the foot, you will be provided with the adult, the child is to be celebrated much less frequently. The cause of the development of the disease are:
- wearing a narrow shoe;
- the lack of cleanliness
- disorders of the endocrine system and the nervous system;
- a weakened immunity;
- poor circulation in the lower limbs;
- the frequent visits of the places with high humidity.
- infectious diseases; chronic diseases;
- deformation of the stop;
- a disease of the blood vessels.
Types of toenail fungus on your feet
There are many different species of fungi, all of which can be achieved by the nail slabs to the legs. The main of them are based on the following:
- Ago. Defeat them in the most likely of the people, and let loose a long illness. The nail acquires a bluish, yellowish, or greenish tint, you can even make it black. To completely remove the fungus in the nails of the feet can be from 1 to 2 months.
- Yeast can't survive. The nail becomes uneven, it is covered by the grooves and waves, and turns yellow or brown. When the progression of the disease, from the board to the back of the store. The nail chair when you are rotting away, so the mixture thickens.
- The dermatophytes. They appear yellow spots on the nail plate. At the edge of the nail to come out of the store. To the extent that the deterioration of the yellowing that absorbs completely to the nail.
First, the disease affects the big toes of the feet. For a long time, it destroys the nail. When the spread of the fungus and is being hit from the other fingers. For a person to feel intense itching in between. The skin begins to peel and crack. Next, the pathology manifests itself by the following characteristics:
- The change in color of the nail plate. In its normal state it clear, it has a pink color. After the fungal defeat, the color of the nail changes to yellow, brown, or black.
- The thickening of the nail plate. Occurs in building up its actinic, thus, it becomes thick. In the case that it is interfering with your treatment.
- The crumbling. If there is no adequate therapy that occurs with the destruction of the nail plate, it is very crumble.

The stage
The signs of defeat by a fungus, may vary depending on the stage of onychomycosis. This happens very quickly, and recognizing the pathology the symptoms, such as:
- In the first phase. A simple eye to it, acknowledging it, is very difficult. It's just the doctor, that's when it's over and over, the increase is to be able to see a small pale spots.
- In the second phase. Pathology continues to progress. Small streaks and dots growing on the whole of the state. This will lead to the destruction of the card. It disappears the glitter nail plate, it begins to yellow.
- In the third stage. By ignoring the earlier symptoms, you can completely lose the nail. The skin around it is red and scaly. The nail is completely exfoliated. In the midst of it, you can experience unpleasant smell
How to diagnose yeast
The external manifestations of the disease, confirming the defeat of nails feet the fungal infection. The cause of the disease can be find out only with the help of a research laboratory. To provide a suitable treatment onychomycosis if you are with psoriasis, red flat "stealing" and "t". If there is a signal to consult a mycologist or a dermatologist. The analysis methods for the following:
- Microsporia. Is it a scraping with the nail plate. For a sample of the material to the nail to treat the particular substance which destroys the keratin. In this kind of material, it is easy for you to explore.
- A survey of the bacteria in the system. It is put on the material feeding on Wednesday. The pathogen infection and to determine the rate of growth, color, and form colonies. This study allows us to identify the sensitivity of the organism to the drug.
- The DNA analysis. This method of identifying the zone of destruction dErmatOFItAMI, and by the candida fungus. The diagnosis is carried out with special vehicles, that is why it is expensive.
How to treat nail fungus on feet
Depending on the clinical manifestation of the disease, the size of the area affected and the degree of alteration of the nail, the doctor prescribes for the full course of treatment. The therapy may include the following:
- ointments, creams, lotions, eye drops, bug spray for the disinfection and treatment of the shoes, which will help with the fungal infection mild to moderate;
- the pill, when retcanii's disease in a phase.
- the surgical removal of the nail plate, if it is severe or recurrent infection;
- home remedies, such as, for example, sodium bicarbonate, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, ointment of birch tar, oil of a tree of tea, in the tincture of the Chistonteating, honey, acetic acid.
In the initial phase of
With a small amount of defeat to cure onychomycosis will help you with the therapy in place. This includes the adhesive, the effect of exfoliation, healing, luck, beauty creams, gels and ointments. These drugs are only effective in the initial phase of onychomycosis. They are applied directly to the nail and its surrounding tissues for a very long time. Sometimes the healing is complete it takes about a year.
Cast the mold
If the disease is already running, the outside resources will be very effective. You should use the medication for the internal use of the application. This includes antимикontICA in the form of tablets and capsules. They can inhibit the development of the pathogen, blocking its development. In addition to this, the pills have caused the action, therefore, is to reduce the likelihood of re-infection.

Do you treat your nail fungus in the feet
Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor assigns the patient to a certain drug. The main groups of antifungal drugs are:
the drugs of the implementation of the system;
- tools for application on-site.
The latter group of drugs includes a wide range of medicinal products which are applied directly on top of the hit on the nail. The main ones are:
- of the lucky ones;
- spray;
- solutions.
- cream
Paint colors
In the early stages of the disease, you can use the azole antifungals are lucky. They promote the loosening nail plate, the increase in the concentration of the therapeutic substance.
Topical ointments and creams.
The efficiency of the local drugs because of the direct contact of drugs with the recovery of the loss. In the first stage of the disease it is prescribed for just such a drug, because the pills have more side effects.
Tablets, azole antifungals,
If the signs of nail fungus in the feet that are pointed out in the execution stage of the disease, and the doctor ascribes the most important of antifungal agents in the form of diet pills.
If the fungus is in the nail of the foot in the phase of implementation and is not amenable to treatment by medicines, they are the most extreme methods. One of the most effective ways is to лазерontArabia. Under the influence of the rays of the spores of the fungus are killed. In addition, the laser does not cause damage to other tissues. Even the start of the phase of the onychomycosis can be cured for 3-4 treatments of our spa.
Treatment for nail fungus on the feet, unlike the media
Ways in how to treat fungus in the nails of the feet, the popular tools that are worth using, along with the implementation of the IUdикаIUнtonзных of the drug. This is especially true for the implementation stage of the disease. In this case, the application of the stories of the recipes don't work out. At the first sign of onychomycosis, can make use of the vinegar and the iodine, kombucha, hair Chistonteating.
The elimination of the fungus is to use apple cider vinegar. It should be mixed with warm water at a ratio of 1:1. In this solution, it is necessary to hold the feet for about 15 to 20 minutes. After that, your feet, you will need to take it out to dry completely. Repeat the practice every day for about 2 weeks now. During this time, you can see how it is starting to grow again, it is not damaged due to a fungal infection of the nail.
The treatment is an effective nail fungus in the feet is done with the help of the jedi. In the course of treatment is 3 weeks. Every day, the need to deal with the iodine in the affected nail plate. It is important to permanently remove it with the tip of the nail, which is otpoc. It is a tool of the fungus on the feet, it enjoys good reviews. The iodine value can be used for the trays in the heat. To this, 10 drops of the tools that are dissolved in 0.5 l of water, and go up there on foot in 10 minutes.

With the help of the kombucha making goes. For this reason, the board specified, the tool will need to be applied to the patient in order to the nail, wrap it in cellophane and banding. About you want to put on your socks. It is best to do the same at night and in the morning of the walk to rinse off with warm water, and then removing the affected area and the oil and the iodine. Many of the patients, indicating severe pain, but if it fails, it may be faster to recover from fungus.
Cool Chistonteating you have to pass through a meat grinder, overcome, obtained from the pulp of the juice, using 3-4 layers of cheesecloth. You will need to get the maximum out of the grass to get to the 200 ml of liquid. To it add 200 ml of 70% alcohol and leave it ustAivatSya for the night. Ready-to-mid onto the affected after 10 minutes, the steam from the feet and it is completely dry. The course of treatment is not less than 10-12 days. For a day on the nail plate to treat 3 to 4 times.